How do I use Interlibrary Loan?
To access the library's InterLibrary Loan (ILL) request forms, click here.
-You will receive an email when the request form has been accepted, and when the material(s) you requested have arrived.
- Faculty, staff, and students who are on campus can pick up books, dissertations, microforms, and media materials that have been received through Interlibrary Loan in the Interlibrary Loan Office on the main floor of the Library during library hours.
For more information contact Jan Wren at (606)-539-4328 or
To access the library's InterLibrary Loan (ILL) request forms, click here.
-You will receive an email when the request form has been accepted, and when the material(s) you requested have arrived.
- Faculty, staff, and students who are on campus can pick up books, dissertations, microforms, and media materials that have been received through Interlibrary Loan in the Interlibrary Loan Office on the main floor of the Library during library hours.
For more information contact Jan Wren at (606)-539-4328 or